Urgent Action Request
Prisoners Defenders alerts
Prisoners Defenders, November 2, 2019:
- A paper letter, allegedly handwritten by José Daniel Ferrer, is in the hands of people of our full confidence in Cuba.
- An expert calligrapher, whose experience is to work daily for police forces and with more than 10 years of experience, has been hired by his sister, Ana Belkis Ferrer (+1 512 771-9592), and used undoubted writings of José Daniel Ferrer in the past. The expert has issued a favorable report regarding the deed and authenticity. The FINAL REPORT OF THE EXPERT is attached.
- In the letter, José Daniel Ferrer would be denouncing heavy torture and risk to his life. Also, that he would have declared a hunger and thirst strike, situation very serious since, in a thirst strike, the organism cannot last more than a few days before collapsing.
- WE ALERT: despite having done everything in our capacity to verify the authenticity of the letter, we cannot be guided by a letter that could fit any type of state manipulation, so only the contact with José Daniel can give credit final status and situation, and that contact and information remain denied to his family by the Cuban government, turning a deaf ear to the radical mandate of the United Nations in this regard, in addition to the requirements of Amnesty International, those of Freedom House , those of the Organization of American States and other countless institutions, organizations, or states, such as the United States, and voices from around the world, among which the European Union is still absent, guided by a strategy specifically promoted by the government of Spain towards the Cuban and Venezuelan regimes.
- In parallel we have received other writings by third parties that would corroborate the situation in prison, that is, a deplorable state and a situation of serious danger to his life, as well as the denial of medical treatment of his ailments. However, we cannot stick to the veracity of these, and they can only serve to demand the regime of Cuba clarifying the status of José Daniel by complying with the requirements issued in the letter sent to Cuba on José Daniel Ferrer on October 29 by the United Nations, which is required as a signatory and ratifying State of the United Nations Convention for Forced Disappearances.
We exhort Cuba to Fulfill immediately with the explit requirements of the United Nations on the case of José Daniel Ferrer, expressed by the High Commissioner for Human Rights in his letter of October 29.
Contents of the alleged letter from José Daniel Ferrer:
“On hunger and thirst strike. They have done everything to me. A thousand tortures and violence. I have been dragged and chained feet and hands have put me in the sun 15 days in underpants in a cell full of mosquitoes and cold in the early morning. Pneumonia risk. My life is in grave danger.”
Letter attributed by an expert calligrapher to José Daniel Ferrer
Next, we include the scanning of the letter of José Daniel, whose original is true to this copy. It has been erased a phrase that could uncover the contact that would have given us the letter, thus endangering his/her life.